4th Wall is a response to what I call the 13 Reasons Why Problem. Immediately after the show aired, Google searches about suicide rose 20%, which means an additional 900,000 to 1.5 million people searching about the subject.
The largest jump in searches were more specific, actionable; "how to kill yourself" was one of the phrases with the biggest spike in searches, as well as searches for more precise methods. Then there were the copycat suicides. Four, as far as we know, all leaving tapes, just like Hannah Baker.
And yet, it was renewed. Twice.
4th Wall hopes to accomplish two goals: First, to provide a voice for those who are interested in the areas media fails us as a society, commenting on specific instances and relating them to the bigger picture. Second, it hopes to provide a dialogue between those affected by a show and the shows themselves; this includes a discourse with people having expertise on pertinent subjects relating to specific shows, allowing for a conversation that strengthens TV by giving the audience a greater say in how the shows they love are actually impacting them.

4th Wall is organized by color.
Purple Pages are Media Reflection pieces, commenting on various topics having to do with the media space as a whole or specific content. This is the most editorial section of the magazine, and will only exist in its current form until I can source people actually working in the entertainment space to write articles about entertainment; like a Player's Tribune for TV.
Blue Pages are resource pages for specific shows that deal with issues that people might want more information on; even shows like Rick and Morty could use resource pages on what a the implications of a multiverse actually are, or how others deal with crippling existentialism and alcoholism. These resource pages are not meant to pass judgement on any of these shows; rather, they are a resource for the audience to further their knowledge about things that the show relies on as part of its entertainment value proposition.
Orange Pages are identity columns, opinion pieces by writers or readers of 4th Wall, commenting on issues that relate to their identity and how they feel they are represented in the media.
4th Wall will grow and change as its needs are made more apparent. Currently working with writers from Michigan in Color, the diversity and inclusion section of the Michigan Daily, and writers from the satirical magazine Every Three Weekly to source articles that are pertinent to the mission of the magazine; also working with diverse artists and designers to showcase more abstract sentiments about media issues that are important to them.
In addition, the Fourth Wall team producing a television pilot that will feature the first edition of the magazine as a part of the plot. They hope this story sheds light on the necessity for an outlet for People of Color to speak on how they are represented in the media, and encourages more People of Color to become involved in media, creating a more representative, inclusive, and healthy media space for everyone.